- lately i've been quietly foraging ideas of serendipity and collaboration + Hope in Source podcast.
- before that I was mostly maintaining the Babel team, before that Lerna/JSCS/ESLint while working at Behance
thanks to my sponsors, I'm solely funded by individuals and companies to work and think about open source, on living with technology! if you want to know what I'm up to, you can get a semi-monthly bi-annual newsletter by sponsoring on GitHub!
Explorations in code, community, and thought
vibe searchactive
book club (dm to try)brewing
printer chat (dm to try)brewing
riff with friends
sound of codeseeking collab
text expanderseeking collab
bible karaokepaused
localized keywords
contributors on githubseeking collab
babel & open source

Tools for Conviviality
wikiIvan Illich
balancing industrial and communal via tools that work *with* us, not for us.
interdependence, proportionality, counterproductivity

Death and Life of Great American Cities
wikiJane Jacobs
an attack on modernist urban planning, celebrating cities as their own liturgy.
eyes on the street, organized complexity, sidewalk ballet, mixed-use

The Timeless Way of Building
wikiChristopher Alexander
philosophy disguised as architecture. explores the "quality without a name" that empowers everyday people to turn spaces into places.
wholeness, pattern language, centers

The Medium and the Light
wikiMarshall McLuhan
in jesus christ, there is no distance or separation between the medium and the message: it is the one case where we can say that the medium and the message are fully one and the same
extension of man, media tetrad

Personal Knowledge
wikiMichael Polanyi
knowledge is a process of knowing, requiring personal commitment. no certainty, only confidence
indwelling, tacit knowledge, subsidiary-focal integration

You Are What You Love
wikiJames K.A. Smith
we are what we worship. can't think our way out of addiction. loves are disordered.
cultural liturgies